Jennifer Paige Boonlorn

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Email: ****n@soulcarrier.com
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Current employer:
Soul Carrier
Current title:
Founder, Lead Designer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:34 AM
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Jennifer Paige Boonlorn is from Phoenix, Arizona, United States. Jennifer Paige is currently Founder, Lead Designer at Soul Carrier, located in Phoenix, Arizona, United States.

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Jennifer Paige Boonlorn's current jobs
Company: Soul Carrier
Title: Founder, Lead Designer
Period: Feb 2009 - Present (15 years, 11 months)
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, United States

- Represents Soul Carrier brand as a featured speaker at trade shows, conferences and engagements focused on women and minority entrepreneurship. -Develops new business partnerships with top luxury resorts throughout the United States, including properties within Fairmont, Hyatt, Four Seasons and Waldorf Astoria brands. -Maintains a global network of fair trade production partners including leather tanneries, sewing factories, hardware manufacturers and knitted fabric artisans in the United States, Mexico and Italy. -Conducts onboarding, training and ongoing support for all resort property sales representatives and managers.

Jennifer Paige Boonlorn's Colleagues
Mariana Meza
Production Assistant
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Jennifer Paige Boonlorn has 1 colleagues in total at Soul Carrier. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Jennifer Paige Boonlorn
Jennifer Paige Boonlorn
Marketing and Public Relations Assistant
There are 1 other "Jennifer Paige Boonlorn". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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