Jennifer Rice

Sr. Manager, Quality Assurance at Celsion Corporation
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LinkedIn: Jennifer Rice
Location: Grant, Alabama, United States
Current employer: Celsion Corporation
Current title:
Sr. Manager, Quality Assurance
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:10 AM
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Jennifer Rice is from Grant, Alabama, United States. Jennifer works in the following industries: "Pharmaceutical Manufacturing". Jennifer is currently Sr. Manager, Quality Assurance at Celsion Corporation, located in Huntsville, Alabama Area. Jennifer also works as Quality Assurance Manager at Celsion-EGEN, Inc., a job Jennifer has held since Jul 2002. In Jennifer's previous role as a Research Associate/ Vivarium Manager at Research Genetics /Invitrogen/Life Technologies, Jennifer worked in until Jan 2002.

If you’re looking for Jennifer Rice's email address, you can find it on finalscout.com. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and 200 million company profiles.

Jennifer Rice's current jobs
Title: Sr. Manager, Quality Assurance
Period: Aug 2018 - Present (6 years, 5 months)
Location: Huntsville, Alabama Area
Company: Celsion-EGEN, Inc.
Title: Quality Assurance Manager
Period: Jul 2002 - Present (22 years, 6 months)
Location: Huntsville, Alabama Area

On sit QA supervision for the development and implementation of a quality management system for a cGMP pharmaceutical testing facility. Provide QA oversight on batch testing of drug products manufactured for clinical use. Responsible for preparing document packages for equipment qualification and test method validation procedures. Responsible for quality record maintenance and providing support during inspections and audits. Write specification and source vendors for equipment and materials to be used in cGMP testing laboratory. Responsible for QA Document Control in the receipt, inspection, labeling, release and inventory control of materials to be used in the analytical testing of clinical drug products. Responsible for receiving, documenting and storing of analytical samples for testing in cGMP testing laboratory.

Jennifer Rice's past jobs
Company: Research Genetics /Invitrogen/Life Technologies
Title: Research Associate/ Vivarium Manager
Period: Jan 1997 - Jan 2002 (5 years)

Managed animal facility. Procurement agent for R&D laboratory.

Jennifer Rice's education
St. Petersburg College
Other people named Jennifer Rice
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London, England, United Kingdom
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Senior Director, Customer Success
Seattle, Washington, United States
Jen Goetz
Director of Talent Acquisition, Products & Technology
San Francisco, California, United States
Jennifer Rice
Director, TPM & Engineering Operations
San Francisco, California, United States
Jennifer Rice-Palmer
Director of Guest Contact
Orlando, Florida, United States
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