Jill Angelo

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Email: ****l@gennev.com
Location: Kirkland, Washington, United States
Current employer: StartUp Health
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:47 AM
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Jill Angelo is from Kirkland, Washington, United States. Jill is currently Member at StartUp Health, located in New York, New York, United States.

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Jill Angelo's current jobs
Company: StartUp Health
Title: Member
Period: Mar 2018 - Present (6 years, 10 months)
Location: New York, New York, United States

StartUp Health has assembled the world’s largest digital health portfolio with 200+ companies spanning six continents, 20 countries & 60+ cities StartUp Health Moonshot Academy is a one-of-its-kind program providing entrepreneurs with the long-term coaching, support, and access they need to succeed as Health Transformers — successful entrepreneurs from all around the world and at every company stage who are focused on achieving Health Moonshots. Through a unique combination of coaching workshops, peer community, a crowd-sourced investor and customer network, market intelligence, powerful promotion channels, and online collaboration tools, StartUp Health Moonshot Academy empowers Health Transformers to become powerful magnets to continually attract the right team, customers, investors, and partners.

Jill Angelo's Colleagues
Paige Sandhu
Head of Growth
Kirkland, Washington, United States
Andie Rhyins
Kirkland, Washington, United States
Eunhee S.
Operator, Supply Chain | Marketing | Go-to-Market | Finance
Kirkland, Washington, United States
Tolu Abayomi
Technical Lead / Senior Software Engineer
Kirkland, Washington, United States
Benjamin H.
Growth Advisor
Kirkland, Washington, United States
Jill Angelo has 25 colleagues in total at Gennev. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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