Jim Kastleman

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Email: ****m@papercitymag.com
Location: Greater Houston
Current employer:
Urban Publishers, Inc./Round Top Publishers, LLC
Current title:
Co-Chair/Managing Partner
Last updated: 18/06/2024 09:47 AM
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Jim Kastleman is from Greater Houston. Jim is currently Co-Chair/Managing Partner at Urban Publishers, Inc./Round Top Publishers, LLC.

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Jim Kastleman's current jobs
Company: Urban Publishers, Inc./Round Top Publishers, LLC
Title: Co-Chair/Managing Partner
Period: Jan 1996 - Present (29 years)

Provide high level strategy and decision making for a 40+ employee publishing company that crafts thoughtfully integrated marketing programs for some of the world's largest luxury brands, utilizing print, custom publishing, digital and events. Extensive non-profit development initiatives. Provide pre-press and graphic enhancement services to high-end publications and advertising agencies.

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