Jim Sherry

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania, United States
Current employer:
Fitness First Personal Training, LLC
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Last updated: 18/04/2024 11:34 AM
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Jim Sherry is from Wayne, Pennsylvania, United States. Jim is currently Owner/CEO at Fitness First Personal Training, LLC.

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Jim Sherry's current jobs
Company: Fitness First Personal Training, LLC
Title: Owner/CEO
Period: Jul 2022 - Present (2 years, 6 months)

I've turned passion into profession. Combining a 40 year commitment to health and fitness and my level 2 personal fitness trainer certification I'm ready to coach clients to be fitter, stronger and closer to achieving their potential. My goal is for every client to embrace the benefits of regular workouts and the wellness results of a healthier life. Fitness First Personal Training, LLC is dedicated to helping people become fitter, stronger and closer to achieving their fitness potential. We use proven methods and a step-by-step individualized approach to help you make fitness gains. Level 2 Certified Personal Fitness Trainer Strong desire to help others achieve and maintain health and fitness Two-time Ironman Triathlon finisher and member of USA Triathlon's "Century Club" Former NJ Ocean Lifeguard Avid strength trainer, swimmer, runner, trail runner, hiker, snowshoer, cyclist, mountain biker, rower, boxer and paddle boarder.

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