Jim Vigue

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Email: ****e@superhealthnation.com
Location: Longwood, Florida, United States
Current employer:
Super Health Nation
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:02 AM
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Jim Vigue is from Longwood, Florida, United States. Jim is currently Director at Super Health Nation.

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Jim Vigue's current jobs
Company: Super Health Nation
Title: Director
Period: May 2010 - Present (14 years, 8 months)

I am a former USA Baseball/Major League Player's Association Coach of the Year. I am also an award winning author specializing in anti aging and enhanced sport performance through natural means. I also design products for our own company and others.A sister company of ours has been selling supplements through doctors and clinics for over 20 years. Super Health Nation's philosophy is to encourage a natural super health lifestyle. Our coaching and our writings focus on helping others achieve what we call Super Health Independence. We have specific protocols for preventing and reversing heart disease, diabetes, stress and joint pain.

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