Joan Sotkin

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Email: ****n@prosperityplace.com
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Current employer:
Prosperity Place, Inc
Current title:
Founder & CEO
Last updated: 27/06/2023 14:17 PM
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Joan Sotkin is from Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States. Joan is currently Founder & CEO at Prosperity Place, Inc.

Joan Sotkin's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Joan Sotkin's current jobs
Company: Prosperity Place, Inc
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: Jan 1976 - Present (49 years)

I guide people on journey through their inner world so they can express their true selves through their business or profession. Over the years, I've developed a high degree of intuition that allows me to see parts of my clients that they often don't see themselves. Combined with decades of business experience, my intuitive approach allows me to help my clients quickly gain a new understanding of who they are and the best way to move forward. I love to connect to people. If you'd like to have a Zoom chat, you can book a time at https://calendly.com/proplace/connector

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