Joanna Bailey

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Email: ****a@joannabaileydesigns.com
Location: Davidson, North Carolina, United States
Current employer: Joanna Bailey Designs
Current title:
CEO & Principal Designer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:06 AM
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Joanna Bailey is from Davidson, North Carolina, United States. Joanna is currently CEO & Principal Designer at Joanna Bailey Designs, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. In Joanna's previous role as a Founder + CEO at COTERIE Company, Joanna worked in until Oct 2017.

You can find Joanna Bailey's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Joanna Bailey's current jobs
Title: CEO & Principal Designer
Period: Oct 2001 - Present (23 years, 3 months)
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Joanna Bailey Designs was born to create space for those working to make a positive impact on the world, amplify the extraordinary efforts of others, and help people design the lives they desire. Joanna serves as a Consultant for public and private sector brands. JBD has worked with in the hospitality and event industry since the early 90's, involved in nearly every aspect of concepting, designing and developing resorts, events, experiences and real estate that are meant to exceed both the guest expectations and established financial metrics. Nearly 30 years of experience have been cultivated at the table with brands from Disney to Ritz Carlton, top tier asset firms to boutique firms and aspiring founders. The vision and tenacity that come with JBD are just two of the unique benefits that JBD offers. From coast to coast, Joanna Bailey Designs has become a leading expert in Hospitality and Lifestyle Design + Real Estate Development.

Joanna Bailey's past jobs
Company: COTERIE Company
Title: Founder + CEO
Period: Sep 2015 - Oct 2017 (2 years, 1 month)
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