Joe Blandini

VP, Sales & Business Development, Bioness ~ Sales Management, Team Development & Training | Innovative, Evidence-Based Medical Technology
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Email: ****i@bioventus.com
LinkedIn: Joe Blandini
Location: Greater Boston
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Current title:
Vice President US Sales
Last updated: 12/02/2024 15:39 PM
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Joe Blandini is from Greater Boston. Joe works in the following industries: "Hospital & Health Care", "Medical Device", and "Health, Wellness & Fitness". Joe is currently Vice President US Sales at Bioventus, located in Durham, North Carolina, United States.

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Joe Blandini's current jobs
Company: Bioventus
Title: Vice President US Sales
Period: May 2022 - Present (2 years, 8 months)
Location: Durham, North Carolina, United States

• Lead a field sales team of ~50 field FTEs including Region Directors, Territory Managers and Clinical Specialists • Develop and implemented nationally forecasting processes and strategies resulting in record growth, while maximizing margin and EBITDA. • Develop and standardize formal sales processes for both capital equipment and direct to consumer product lines to maximize revenues. • Key decision maker on new product development strategy and development Develop and implement leadership strategies to our directors and their reports with the tools and strategies needed to be successful using a patient-first approach to our business. • Develop cross functional strategies to maximize field communication with finance, patient access, operations, IT, and marketing

Joe Blandini's education
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Bachelor of Science - BS
1988 - 1992
University of New Hampshire Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics
2009 - 2011
Tufts University
Master of Arts - MA
1993 - 1995
Joe Blandini's top skills
Strategic Planning Contract Negotiation Medical Devices Sales Operations Sales Product Marketing Leadership Sales Management Start-ups Healthcare Business Development New Business Development Management Strategy Product Launch Market Research Marketing CRM Product Development Strategic Partnerships
Joe Blandini's Colleagues
George Gardiner
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
California, United States
Joyden De La Vega
Product Manager, Rehabilitation Stimulation Platforms
California, United States
Greg Lockman
Director Payer Relations
California, United States
Shanna Hu
Regulatory Affairs Manager, FES Technology
California, United States
Eric Grigsby, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer
California, United States
Joe Blandini has 159 colleagues in total at Bioness Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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Joe Blandini
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