Joe Higgins
Joe Higgins is from 英国 英格兰 诺丁汉. Joe is currently Group Chief Executive Officer at Envirogen Group, located in Nottingham & Houston. In Joe's previous role as a Regional Director at Veolia Ireland, Joe worked in Ireland until May 2021. Prior to joining Veolia Ireland, Joe was a Various roles at Veolia and held the position of Various roles at Kilkenny, Ireland. Prior to that, Joe was a Water Engineer at Intel Corporation, based in Leixlip (Ireland) & Phoenix (Arizona) from Jan 1996 to Jan 1998. Joe started working as Graduate engineer at Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ireland in Mayo in Jan 1995.
Joe Higgins's contact information is available for free on, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.