Joe Kapushion

Product Developer | Business Owner | Product Design Group Director | Independent Contract Mechanical Engineer
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Email: ****n@kddinc.com
LinkedIn: Joe Kapushion
Location: Denver Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
Kapushion Design and Development, Inc.
Current title:
Director of Design & Engineering | Owner | Contract Mechanical Engineer | Designer
Last updated: 23/05/2024 10:35 AM
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Joe Kapushion is from Denver Metropolitan Area. Joe works in the following industries: "工业设计/机械设计", "日用品", and "电器/电子制造". Joe is currently Director of Design & Engineering | Owner | Contract Mechanical Engineer | Designer at Kapushion Design and Development, Inc., located in Greater Denver Area. In Joe's previous role as a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer | Part-Time Industrial Designer at Plexus Corp., Joe worked in Greater Denver Area until Mar 2007. Prior to joining Plexus Corp., Joe was a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer at Evenflo Company, Inc. and held the position of Senior Mechanical Design Engineer at Greater Denver Area. Prior to that, Joe was a Mechanical Design Engineer at Samsonite, based in Greater Denver Area from May 1991 to Apr 1996. Joe started working as Mechanical Design Engineer at Sievers Research, Inc. in Greater Denver Area in Jun 1987.

You can find Joe Kapushion's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Joe Kapushion's current jobs
Company: Kapushion Design and Development, Inc.
Title: Director of Design & Engineering | Owner | Contract Mechanical Engineer | Designer
Period: Aug 1998 - Present (26 years, 5 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area
Joe Kapushion's past jobs
Company: Plexus Corp.
Title: Senior Mechanical Design Engineer | Part-Time Industrial Designer
Period: Dec 2004 - Mar 2007 (2 years, 3 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area
Title: Senior Mechanical Design Engineer
Period: Apr 1996 - Aug 1998 (2 years, 4 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area
Company: Samsonite
Title: Mechanical Design Engineer
Period: May 1991 - Apr 1996 (4 years, 11 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area
Company: Sievers Research, Inc.
Title: Mechanical Design Engineer
Period: Jun 1987 - May 1991 (3 years, 11 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area
Joe Kapushion's education
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering Technology
1987 - Present
University of Colorado Boulder
Mechanical Engineering
1984 - 1986
Joe Kapushion's top skills
Product Design Mechanical Engineering
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