Joe Schappler

President Helix Design Inc.
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Email: ****e@helixdesign.com
LinkedIn: Joe Schappler
Location: Greater Boston
Current employer:
603 Products, LLC
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Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:53 PM
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Joe Schappler is from Greater Boston. Joe works in the following industries: "Printing", and "Design". Joe is currently Owner at 603 Products, LLC, located in Manchester NH. Joe also works as Owner at Helix Design, Inc., a job Joe has held since Jan 1990. In Joe's previous role as a Industrial Designer at Eastman Kodak Company, Joe worked in until Jan 1990. Prior to joining Eastman Kodak Company, Joe was a Designer at Latham Brefka Associates and held the position of Designer.

Joe Schappler can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Joe Schappler's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Joe Schappler's current jobs
Company: 603 Products, LLC
Title: Owner
Period: Jan 2015 - Present (10 years)
Location: Manchester NH

High-end stainless steel mailboxes, posts and accessories under the Spira brand

Title: Owner
Period: Jan 1990 - Present (35 years)
Location: Manchester, New Hampshire

Product Design firm with services in design research, industrial design, mechanical design and prototyping

Joe Schappler's past jobs
Title: Industrial Designer
Period: Jan 1986 - Jan 1990 (4 years)
Company: Latham Brefka Associates
Title: Designer
Period: Jan 1983 - Jan 1986 (3 years)
Joe Schappler's education
Bishop Guertin High School
University of Notre Dame
1978 - 1982
Joe Schappler's top skills
Product Design User Experience Graphic Design Design for Manufacturing User-centered Design Rendering Concept Development Product Development Illustrator Mechanical Engineering Industrial Design Sketching Design Research Ergonomics Medical Devices Design Management Solidworks Design Strategy Project Management Prototype
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