Johanna Krause

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Olympia, Washington, United States
Current employer: Bon Ami Creative Group, LLC
Current title:
Founder and Managing Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:26 AM
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Johanna Krause is from Olympia, Washington, United States. Johanna is currently Founder and Managing Director at Bon Ami Creative Group, LLC.

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Johanna Krause's current jobs
Title: Founder and Managing Director
Period: Jul 2013 - Present (11 years, 6 months)

Bon Ami Creative Group, LLC is a boutique self-publishing services agency for independent authors of nonfiction titles. We offer an array of services from editing to ghostwriting, indexing to eBook conversion, book design to author branding and PR. We will help make your publication a cut above the competition. You get access to an extensive network of top-rated publishing specialists in the U.S. Our award-winning writers, editors, designers, and photographers are featured in major publications and contribute to leading national TV and radio shows. Averaging 20 years experience in the industry, our associates are top professionals in their fields. Matching the right people with the right job, we bring together the best-suited team of publishing specialists with the most relevant experience in your industry. We tailor a strategy specific to your needs and guide you through the entire process. Bon Ami Creative Group is committed to helping you publish the highest quality product, painlessly. We are the team behind your success. Mission Helping individuals self-publish a high-quality product, painlessly. Vision We strive to foster a business community that approaches local as well as international opportunities for development and growth with enthusiasm, respect, and responsibility. Name Bon Ami means “Good Friend” in French. When we decided on a name for our business, we looked for something that would convey our company values of quality, honesty, integrity, and reliability. We couldn’t imagine anything or anyone better to represent those qualities than a “Good Friend.” Voila!

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