John Brubacher

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Email: ****n@gmail.com
Location: Salem, South Carolina, United States
Current employer: ITSM Innovation
Current title:
Principal Owner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:41 AM
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John Brubacher is from Salem, South Carolina, United States. John is currently Principal Owner at ITSM Innovation , located in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

You can find John Brubacher's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

John Brubacher's current jobs
Title: Principal Owner
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Professional services partner trusted by Fortune 500 clients to solve change management and business process initiatives and deploy more effective digital processes. • Designs customer-focused digital workflows that thrive in today’s service-based economy. Builds customer-focused solutions that connect departments using requests, tickets, and case records to assign, manage and resolve complex issues end-to-end. • Focused on capturing customer demand data to categorize areas of need and to work toward process improvement. Assesses the feasibility, effort, and cost of the demand to create a business case for approval of the change. Collaborates with stakeholders to ensure their expectations are achieved using a change management life cycle. • Enables employees to effectively utilize business systems to increase user productivity, resolve issues quickly, and improve user satisfaction. • Delivers easy access to user services by consolidating existing tools to a single system, automates support for common requests, and offers simple self-service via portals where request catalog items such as service and product offerings can be accessed.

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