John D Sneed

Group President at TESLA, Inc., Director at TESLA (Europe) Ltd and TESLA Asia Pacific Ltd
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Email: ****d@teslaeurope.com
LinkedIn: John D. Sneed
Location: Richmond, Virginia, United States
Current employer: TESLA (Europe) Ltd.
Current title:
Managing Director
Last updated: 16/08/2023 13:44 PM
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John D Sneed is from Richmond, Virginia, United States. John is currently Managing Director at TESLA (Europe) Ltd., located in Richmond, Virginia, United States. John also works as Group President at TESLA, Inc., a job John has held since Jan 1978.

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John D Sneed's current jobs
Title: Managing Director
Period: Jan 1992 - Present (32 years, 11 months)
Location: Richmond, Virginia, United States
Company: TESLA, Inc.
Title: Group President
Period: Jan 1978 - Present (46 years, 11 months)
Location: Richmond, Virginia, United States

TESLA, Inc., and its subsidiaries, TESLA (Europe) Ltd and TESLA Asia Pacific Ltd, develop highly accurate models of power, gas and steam (CHP) demand, and renewable generation models, to a wide variety of clients worldwide. Our offices are in Richmond, VA, USA (headquarters), London, UK, and Auckland, NZ. I invite connection requests from those working on or users of energy demand/load forecasts or wind or PV generation forecasts. TESLAPower, our initial product, was developed for utility companies. Our first models were custom models of control areas, grid supply points/exit points and national grid/TSO load volumes. As deregulation advanced in many countries, TESLA introduced models of load-serving obligations associated with client-specific portfolios of retail supply customers. TESLA also offers models based on publicly available load data for most TSO areas in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and selected other countries. We also offer TESLAGas, TESLASteam, TESLAWind and TESLASolar, for forecasting other types of energy demand and generation. We are very interested in supplying national-level load forecasting models (especially if disaggregated to regional or distribution circuit areas) and for models of island systems or other systems with limited or no interconnection to other power or gas grids. TESLA uses all available weather data, holiday/special days, events and school schedules. We model the effects of unmetered embedded renewable generation in several major markets, including the UK. TESLA also models demand management impact on load, offering models of both uncontrolled demand and of load net of demand management. TESLA models are available for in-house installation, or can be hosted on our servers. When we begin to work with a prospective client, we develop models for their loads on a free trial basis. Our public data models of ISO/RTO/TSO models for power and gas systems around the world are also available for free trial.

John D Sneed's education
1970 - 1973
1966 - 1970
John D Sneed's Colleagues
V. Todd Wheeler ☁️
Vice President, Sales, Americas
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Tony Baker
Managing Director
Michael Goodman
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Manuel Guzzetti
Director of Sales South America
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Shannyn Sneed
Marketing Director
Richmond, Virginia, United States
John D Sneed has 209 colleagues in total at TESLA (Europe) Ltd.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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