John Husselbee

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Email: ****e@liontrust.co.uk
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: Liontrust Asset Management
Current title:
Head of Multi Asset
Last updated: 15/02/2024 08:50 AM
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John Husselbee is from London, England, United Kingdom. John is currently Head of Multi Asset at Liontrust Asset Management, located in Strand, England, United Kingdom.

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John Husselbee's current jobs
Title: Head of Multi Asset
Period: Oct 2013 - Present (11 years, 3 months)
Location: Strand, England, United Kingdom

The Multi Asset team at Liontrust specialises in providing outsourced bespoke multi asset, multi manager investment solutions. Having spent over fifteen years focused on building successful retail multi manager investment businesses for Rothschild Asset Management and Henderson Global Investors I co-founded North Investment Partners Limited in August 2005 along with Neptune Investment Management Limited. In October 2013, North Investment Partners was acquired by Liontrust Asset Management PLC to provide clients with a greater breadth and depth of investment expertise. In a post RDR marketplace, we offer the Wealth Solutions Service (WSS), a model discretionary portfolio service which offer a full range of risk targeted portfolios. In addition, we manage a number of Fund of Funds on behalf of financial advisors and small asset managers. We aim to offer a first class service, efficient administration and performance in line with expectations working in partnership with a select number of advisory firms. I am responsible for the investment management of Multi Asset funds and portfolios. As a team we look to add value from strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation and fund/ manager selection. The investment process has been developed over a twenty year period, it is robust and is consistently applied to all assets so that all clients benefit from all our knowledge, research and expertise.

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