John O Connell

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Email: ****c@davisrea.com
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Current employer:
Davis Rea Ltd. Investment Counsel
Current title:
Chairman & CEO
Last updated: 06/06/2024 11:17 AM
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John O Connell is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. John is currently Chairman & CEO at Davis Rea Ltd. Investment Counsel, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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John O Connell's current jobs
Company: Davis Rea Ltd. Investment Counsel
Title: Chairman & CEO
Period: Nov 2010 - Present (14 years, 2 months)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Davis Rea Ltd. Investment is a family-run boutique firm providing a holistic approach to finances with services including wealth management, financial and estate planning, and insurance and risk mitigation tools to keep you, and your family, sleeping soundly at night. As CEO & Chairman, I ensure that your needs come first, above all else. We are focused on creating lasting and meaningful relationships with everyone who walks through our door.

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