John Wilson

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Email: ****n@amiad.com
Location: Greater Bristol Area, United Kingdom
Current employer: Amiad Water Systems LTD
Current title:
General Manager UK & Ireland
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:51 AM
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John Wilson is from Greater Bristol Area, United Kingdom. John is currently General Manager UK & Ireland at Amiad Water Systems LTD, located in Amiad, Northern, Israel.

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John Wilson's current jobs
Title: General Manager UK & Ireland
Period: Oct 2017 - Present (7 years, 3 months)
Location: Amiad, Northern, Israel

Directly responsible for the sales, operation and management of Amiad’s UK subsidiary company. A varied role including commercial, operational and general management components. My primary focus is to ensure the business maintains a healthy pipeline of sales and am responsible for the company’s sales efforts, including direct company presentations, contract negotiation and order closing. Undertake a wide range of operational tasks including project management, delivery blockages, oversight of the company’s customer service function. Management responsibilities include budget preparation, resource allocation, financial oversight, health and safety.

John Wilson's Colleagues
Kfir Atias
Vice President of R&D
Amiad, Northern, Israel
⭐ Giora Goldstein
SAP and Enovia Master Data
Amiad, Northern, Israel
Oscar Amaral
Amiad, Northern, Israel
Limor Hershkovitz
Purchasing Manager
Amiad, Northern, Israel
Omry Levin
Business Development Manager
Amiad, Northern, Israel
John Wilson has 247 colleagues in total at Amiad Water Systems LTD. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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