Johnny Lee Rodriguez

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Email: ****z@ga.com
Location: San Diego, California, United States
Current employer: General Atomics
Current title:
Talent Acquisition Partner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:42 AM
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Johnny Lee Rodriguez is from San Diego, California, United States. Johnny Lee is currently Talent Acquisition Partner at General Atomics, located in San Diego, California, United States.

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Johnny Lee Rodriguez's current jobs
Company: General Atomics
Title: Talent Acquisition Partner
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: San Diego, California, United States

General Atomics (GA), and its affiliated companies, is one of the world’s leading resources for high-technology systems development ranging from the nuclear fuel cycle to remotely piloted aircraft, airborne sensors, and advanced electric, electronic, wireless and laser technologies. Develops and administers staffing/employment/recruiting programs. Works with hiring manager to document requirements of job openings as required opening requisition(s). Determines appropriate recruiting sources for advertising and posting positions. Promotes the company image to candidates and external service providers. Surfaces candidates and develops networks of people and processes to support a strong pipeline of qualified candidates. Pre-screens resumes and evaluates effectiveness of electronic candidate evaluation tools. Documents candidate evaluation and interview process. Negotiates and/or supports hiring manager in developing new hire compensation package/offers. May conduct employment background checks. Works with agencies, recruiting contractors and/or internet website representatives in the course of conducting employment advertising campaigns. May provide performance feedback on all recruiting agencies/sources. May develop, support and maintain college recruiting, affirmative action and career development programs. Professionals at the higher levels may specialize in technical recruiting and/or highly specialized executive searches. May also assist with the immigration process and administration as a liaison with immigration attorneys.

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