Jon Watts

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Email: ****s@philea.eu
Location: Farnham, England, United Kingdom
Current title:
Chair of Operations Professionals Network (OPN)
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:47 AM
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Jon Watts is from Farnham, England, United Kingdom. Jon is currently Chair of Operations Professionals Network (OPN) at Philea - Philanthropy Europe Association, located in Brussels, Brussels Region, Belgium.

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Jon Watts's current jobs
Title: Chair of Operations Professionals Network (OPN)
Period: May 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Brussels, Brussels Region, Belgium

Leading a cross functional peer learning and collaboration network with Chief Operating Officers of 15 foundations, including many of Europe's most important philanthropic funders. Led reorganisation of OPN governance to increase agility in decision making in response to the continuing growth of the network. Led the identification of shared strategic focus areas, enhancing the value of engagement to membership.

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