Jonathan Le Goanvic

Purchasing coordinator
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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Current employer: Groupe Barrault
Current title:
Purchaser and Purshasing Coordinator
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:32 AM
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Jonathan Le Goanvic is from Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. Jonathan Le works in the following industries: "Telecommunications", "Internet", "Wholesale", "Apparel & Fashion", "Management Consulting", "Insurance", "Retail", and "Automotive". Jonathan Le is currently Purchaser and Purshasing Coordinator at Groupe Barrault, located in Région de Niort, France. In Jonathan Le's previous role as a IT Purchasing consultant at KLB Group, Jonathan Le worked in Région de Niort, France until Jun 2018. Prior to joining KLB Group, Jonathan Le was a IT Purchaser at Covéa and held the position of IT Purchaser at Région de Niort, France. Prior to that, Jonathan Le was a IT Purchaser at MAIF, based in Poitou-Charentes, France from Apr 2015 to Sep 2015. Jonathan Le started working as Marketing Assistant at Bouygues Telecom in Issy-Les-Moulineaux in Apr 2013. From Jun 2012 to Jul 2012, Jonathan Le was Seller at Printemps, based in Centre Commercial Parly 2. Prior to that, Jonathan Le was a Telesales/commercial at Axiatel, based in Courbevoie from Apr 2012 to Jun 2012. Jonathan Le started working as seller at Geox S.p.A. in Centre Commercial de Velizy 2 in Jun 2011.

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Jonathan Le Goanvic's current jobs
Company: Groupe Barrault
Title: Purchaser and Purshasing Coordinator
Period: Jun 2018 - Present (6 years, 8 months)
Location: Région de Niort, France

Manage auto part purchases: o Identification and centralisation of members' needs, o Negociation (commercial, quality and delivery conditions) -> profit : 3.4 million euros for a turnover of 35 million euros (2018, 2019 et 2020), o Set up partnership contracts, o Referencing and mapping suppliers/product families for the group (117 suppliers and 19 product families),

Jonathan Le Goanvic's past jobs
Company: KLB Group
Title: IT Purchasing consultant
Period: Feb 2017 - Jun 2018 (1 year, 4 months)
Location: Région de Niort, France

• Purchasing control of IT Business Solutions for a Group and their integration: (negotiation of licenses / IT modules / daily rates / service grids, strengthening of commitments, monitoring of contracts). • Tenders for the Group's IT and Business Departments. • Project management (examples) : Portfolio Project Management: project management tool for the Group -> Profit: € 130 K Simulation Salary Mass: tool for managing staff costs -> Profit: € 40 K Carbon balance and CSR reporting: tool for collecting and managing CSR data -> Profit: € 140 K • Industrialization of IT contract -> Profit: € 90 K

Company: Covéa
Title: IT Purchaser
Period: Oct 2015 - Feb 2017 (1 year, 4 months)
Location: Région de Niort, France

• Management of software maintenance contracts, the hosting of IT Business Solutions and subscriptions. • Securing contractual aspects (IT security, service conditions, penalties, financial conditions and expected deliverables). • Improvement of the purchasing kit. • Processing of the purchasing files (expression of needs, tenders, negotiation, contractualisation and orders). • Project management (examples) : Data Management Platform: Group data centralization tool -> Profit: 130 k € DAM edit: digital content management tool and print - > Profit: 180 k €

Company: MAIF
Title: IT Purchaser
Period: Apr 2015 - Sep 2015 (5 months)
Location: Poitou-Charentes, France

• Update a skill base providers and contribute to their evaluation. • Prepare and implement the procedure of tenders . • Select the offers according to different criteria and negotiate (additional earnings : € 200 K). • Contractualising purchase folders (€ 1,800 K). • Ensure communication and reporting of actions. • Contribute to the watch job and new technologies. • Improve the process of procurement for licences.

Company: Bouygues Telecom
Title: Marketing Assistant
Period: Apr 2013 - Aug 2013 (4 months)
Location: Issy-Les-Moulineaux

Undertake a pricing in the tender department for the public market : • Break down and analyze lost tenders (500 files) • Advocate and determine new prices (pricing) . • Advocate the improvements for the technical part of the operator (network coverage ) .

Company: Printemps
Title: Seller
Period: Jun 2012 - Jul 2012 (1 month)
Location: Centre Commercial Parly 2

- Advise customers - Sell McGregor products - Restock McGregor products

Company: Axiatel
Title: Telesales/commercial
Period: Apr 2012 - Jun 2012 (2 months)
Location: Courbevoie

• Update a database (new customers and loyal customers). • Business Challenge (8th /16 with 27 sales which represent € 4,500 HT) . • Conduct follow-up calls • Sell telecommunication solutions for SMEs / TPE (81 sales which represent € 32,000 HT) • Follow customer (46/81 recalled customers). • Carry out reporting and dashboard activities .

Company: Geox S.p.A.
Title: seller
Period: Jun 2011 - Jul 2011 (1 month)
Location: Centre Commercial de Velizy 2

- Advise customers - Sell GEOX products - Restock GEOX products - Implement merchandising

Company: Les Ménages Prévoyants
Title: Commercial Assistant
Period: Apr 2010 - Apr 2010
Location: Versailles

- Create sale support tools - Update databases (B to B and B to C) - Prospect by phone (B to B and B to C) - Sell additional health benefits ( B to B and B to C ) - Follow-up customers - Participate in senior exhibition by giving documentations and additional information

Jonathan Le Goanvic's education
IUT Paris Descartes
DUT Marketing Techniques
2010 - 2012
Lycée Jules Ferry
Baccalauréat Scientifique option Sciences de l'Ingénieur
2008 - 2009
Master of Business Administration in partnership with UQAM & Institutes of Business Administration
2014 - 2016
Institut Catholique de Paris
Bachelor’s Degree
2012 - 2013
Jonathan Le Goanvic's top skills
Negotiation Analytique Telecommunications Microsoft Office Marketing PowerPoint Management Achats Microsoft Word Teamwork Leadership d'équipe Microsoft Excel SAP Action Learning
Jonathan Le Goanvic's Colleagues
Gestionnaire retours fournisseurs
Gaetan Delattre
Responsable Sud-Est
Niort, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Laura Donneger
Responsable RH
Laurent Deruelle
Responsable reseau de garage Autofit France
Niort, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
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