Jordan Bradley

PhD - Claremont Graduate University
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LinkedIn: Jordan Bradley
Location: Wadsworth, Ohio, United States
Current employer:
Belvedere Farms
Current title:
Co Owner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:22 AM
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Jordan Bradley is from Wadsworth, Ohio, United States. Jordan works in the following industries: "Graphic Design", and "Higher Education". Jordan is currently Co Owner at Belvedere Farms, located in Wadsworth, Ohio. Jordan also works as General Manager at Belvedere Designs, LLC, a job Jordan has held since Jan 2007. In Jordan's previous role as a PHD at Claremont Graduate University, Jordan worked in Claremont Graduate University until Jul 2017. Prior to joining Claremont Graduate University, Jordan was a Instructor at University of Nevada Las Vegas and held the position of Instructor at Las Vegas, Nevada Area. Prior to that, Jordan was a Farmstead Technology Intern at Kochel Cattle and Timber, based in Vanderhoof, BC, Canada from Jun 2005 to Aug 2014. Jordan started working as Italian Instructor at College of Southern Nevada in Apr 2012. From Mar 2009 to Aug 2009, Jordan was Editorial Assistant at Claremont Review of Books, based in Claremont, CA. Prior to that, Jordan was a Short Term Summer Program Coordinator at Pitzer College, based in Claremont, CA from Jul 2008 to Aug 2008. Jordan started working as Research Assistant and Web Developer at Preparing Future Faculty Program, Claremont Graduate University in Claremont Graduate University in Sep 2007.

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Jordan Bradley's current jobs
Company: Belvedere Farms
Title: Co Owner
Period: Oct 2015 - Present (9 years, 4 months)
Location: Wadsworth, Ohio

Restoring a 1908 farmhouse and two (1883 and 1900) barns, and raising our kids on 47 acres in Ohio. The land has been leased for commercial grain crops for ages, so conversion to a diversified family farm will take some time.

Company: Belvedere Designs, LLC
Title: General Manager
Period: Jan 2007 - Present (18 years, 1 month)
Location: Wadsworth, OH

In my current position, I oversee website design and development, coordinate marketing, and contribute to product design, supply chain management, and production. Over the course of 10 plus years building Belvedere Designs, LLC and wallquotes.com from an idea to an industry leading vinyl décor and professional signage firm, I have been responsible for a number of strategic initiatives ranging from bootstrapped web development to developing and executing nationwide advertising campaigns. While I personally built wallquotes.com versions 1.0 and 2.0, as we continue to improve on the industry leading user experience features of version 3.0 (we were the first mobile responsive site and remain the only company with a mobile compatible design center experience) my responsibilities have shifted away from the code itself to toward design, product management, user experience, and backend development.

Jordan Bradley's past jobs
Company: Claremont Graduate University
Title: PHD
Period: Aug 2007 - Jul 2017 (9 years, 11 months)
Location: Claremont Graduate University

Dissertation: “The Genius of Republican Liberty”: James Madison’s Theory of Representation. My research focuses on the origins of representational theory in America - what do we know and how do we know it - and explores Madison's conspicuous absence from that body of literature before presenting an account of Madison's understanding of representation and its role in the securing the ends of the American regime. Finally, I argue for Madison's continued relevance in light of the increasing number of representational cases arriving before the Supreme Court. Research assistant for Dr. Uhlmann 08-09,10-11. Researched Police Powers under the New Deal, and the development of Presidential power over the last century.

Company: University of Nevada Las Vegas
Title: Instructor
Period: Aug 2014 - May 2015 (9 months)
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Area

I taught three sections of PSC200 Survey of Political Theory. Classroom instruction focused on critical thinking and learning how to read and engage ancient texts with the ultimate goal of teaching students the skills necessary to engage with such texts on their own after the course. Required readings drew from Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Tocqueville.

Company: Kochel Cattle and Timber
Title: Farmstead Technology Intern
Period: Jun 2005 - Aug 2014 (9 years, 2 months)
Location: Vanderhoof, BC, Canada

An on-going inquiry into the proper ranking of agrarian and intellectual virtue: I drive tractors, make hay, move cattle, ride horses, make cheese, butcher pigs, make fine meat products, act as a veterinary assistant, chop wood, fix fence, and have been - not infrequently - thrown from moving vehicles.

Company: College of Southern Nevada
Title: Italian Instructor
Period: Apr 2012 - Apr 2013 (1 year)

I developed the curriculum for, and taught, the Beginning Conversational Italian course. Since students ranged from prospective tourists to service industry specialists at various Las Vegas hotels and resorts who needed to interact with Italian customers in a profession manner, assessment of student needs and adaptation of material to meet said needs was essential. These courses were a delight to teach.

Company: Claremont Review of Books
Title: Editorial Assistant
Period: Mar 2009 - Aug 2009 (5 months)
Location: Claremont, CA

I contributed to regular proofing and editing responsibilities and was responsible for formatting print articles for online reading through the Claremont Institute's content management system.

Company: Pitzer College
Title: Short Term Summer Program Coordinator
Period: Jul 2008 - Aug 2008 (1 month)
Location: Claremont, CA

As Summer Program Coordinator with the Pitzer International Program, I was responsible for approximately twenty Japanese students who were visiting from Kobe Women's University. The position involved daily oversight of varied academic and recreational activities, coordination of travel throughout Southern California, and oversight of student living conditions during both the dorm and homestay portions of the program.

Company: Preparing Future Faculty Program, Claremont Graduate University
Title: Research Assistant and Web Developer
Period: Sep 2007 - May 2008 (8 months)
Location: Claremont Graduate University

I was responsible for data collection and analysis for Science of Teaching and Learning faculty survey, served as program assistant for various regional and in house academic conferences, and maintained and upgraded the PFF web presence within the CGU content management system.

Company: Idaho State Legislature
Title: Intern - Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee
Period: Jan 2006 - Apr 2006 (3 months)
Location: Boise, Idaho Area

I was responsible for daily committee room set-up, electronic recording, compilation of legislation and miscellaneous research for Budget Analysts and Members of the Committee. Research included legislation for a 3% Change in Employee Compensation, debt service for the GARVEE Highway Bonds, Sales Tax Revenues and Disbursements, Income Projections for the Economic Recovery Reserve Fund and Demographic Survey of all Idaho Legislators.

Jordan Bradley's education
Boise State University
2001 - 2006
University College Cork
2010 - 2010
Claremont Graduate University
2007 - 2009
Claremont Graduate University
2007 - 2017
Jordan Bradley's top skills
French Web Design Italian languages Editing Small Business Development Management Writing Latin Copy Editing Product Management Data Analysis Nonprofits Product Development Microsoft Office Small Business Online Marketing Leadership Business Analysis Statistics Marketing Qualitative Research
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