Jordyn Hartlein

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Email: ****n@analog-a.com
Location: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Jordyn Hartlein is from Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain. Jordyn is currently CEO at WET LAUNDRY, located in Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain.

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Jordyn Hartlein's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

WET LAUNDRY was born as an innovation project that aims to help companies, brands and organizations respond quickly and effectively to the various dynamics of today's market for marketing, communication and design. Quality, innovation, teamwork and direct communication with the customer, is what defines our solution to accompany our customers to success. We firmly believe in tailoring each process to suit the needs and desires of our client. We specialize in: - Branding (including brand image, logo designs, etc.) - Strategy (online and offline) - Community Management - Graphic Design / Video Editing - Content Creation - Online Positioning / Ads

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