Jose Javier Molina Perez

IT Innovation Advisor en Iberdrola
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Location: Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Iberdrola
Current title:
IT Innovation Advisor
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:51 AM
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Jose Javier Molina Perez is from Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area. Jose Javier Molina works in the following industries: "Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing". Jose Javier Molina is currently IT Innovation Advisor at Iberdrola, located in Madrid, España. In Jose Javier Molina's previous role as a IT Innovation Manager at Iberdrola, Jose Javier Molina worked in Madrid, España until Dec 2019. Prior to joining Iberdrola, Jose Javier Molina was a International IT Manager at Iberdrola Ingenieria y Construccion (Madrid, España) and held the position of International IT Manager. Prior to that, Jose Javier Molina was a Tecnologo at ATT Bell Labs (New Jersey, USA) from Jul 1994 to Jul 1996. Jose Javier Molina started working as Speech Recognition at ETSI Telecomunicaciones (Madrid, España) in Nov 1993.

Jose Javier Molina Perez can be found on, where members can access Jose Javier Molina Perez's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Jose Javier Molina Perez's current jobs
Company: Iberdrola
Title: IT Innovation Advisor
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Madrid, España

Innovation is perseverance, passion and synergies!!

Jose Javier Molina Perez's past jobs
Company: Iberdrola
Title: IT Innovation Manager
Period: Jul 2010 - Dec 2019 (9 years, 5 months)
Location: Madrid, España
Company: Iberdrola Ingenieria y Construccion (Madrid, España)
Title: International IT Manager
Period: Jul 1996 - Jul 2010 (14 years)
Company: ATT Bell Labs (New Jersey, USA)
Title: Tecnologo
Period: Jul 1994 - Jul 1996 (2 years)
Company: ETSI Telecomunicaciones (Madrid, España)
Title: Speech Recognition
Period: Nov 1993 - Jun 1994 (7 months)
Jose Javier Molina Perez's education
Club Excelencia Gestión
ETSI de Telecomunicación
Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones
Jose Javier Molina Perez's Colleagues
Ángel González
Director de Seguridad y Salud
Bilbao-Bilbo, Basque Country, Spain
Gonzalo Marin Charcan
Internal Auditor
Bilbao-Bilbo, Basque Country, Spain
Jean-Christophe Ribaut
Directeur Sûreté Iberdrola Énergie France
Bilbao-Bilbo, Basque Country, Spain
Javier Garcia
International Offshore Business Dir.
Raquel Gonzalez
Head of Customer Experience
Bilbao-Bilbo, Basque Country, Spain
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