Jose Joe L Lopez
Jose Joe L Lopez is from Greater Houston. Jose is currently CEO/Owner at Lopez PR & Marketing Group, located in El Paso, Texas, United States.
Jose Joe L Lopez can be found on, where members can access Jose Joe L Lopez's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.
Jose Joe L Lopez's current jobs
Lopez PR & Marketing Group is a full service marketing firm doing #Hispanic PR, Community Engagement, Social Media Content Development, #Latinomarketing and Communications. Lopez has over 29 years of expertise in #Heatlhcare Marketing, Advertising, Hispanic Strategy, Branding, Retail Shopper Marketing. LMG has done work for entities such as Ford, Walmart, J&J Tenet, HCA, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, Procter and Gamble, McDonald's, Kimberly Clark, Quaker Oats, Coca-Cola, Nabisco Foods. LMG has offices in Dallas, Houston, El Paso. WWW.LOPEZGROUP.COM