Jose Zegarra

Gerente Comercial en Grupo IMACO S.A. - Distribuidor de Philips en Perú.
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Location: Perú
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Grupo IMACO S.A. - Distribuidor de marca Philips en Perú.
Current title:
Gerente Comercial
Last updated: 09/08/2024 14:36 PM
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Jose Zegarra is from Perú. Jose is currently Gerente Comercial at Grupo IMACO S.A. - Distribuidor de marca Philips en Perú., located in Perú. In Jose's previous role as a Jefe de Marketing at IMACO S.A., Jose worked in until Jan 2020. Prior to joining IMACO S.A., Jose was a Samsung Electronics at 8 años 8 meses and held the position of Samsung Electronics. Prior to that, Jose was a Ejecutivo de cargas virtuales y tarjetas prepago at Bellsouth Perú, based in Perú from Sep 2002 to Dec 2003. Jose started working as Supervisor de División at WONG (CENCOSUD) in Perú in Aug 2001.

You can find Jose Zegarra's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Jose Zegarra's current jobs
Company: Grupo IMACO S.A. - Distribuidor de marca Philips en Perú.
Title: Gerente Comercial
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Perú
Jose Zegarra's past jobs
Company: IMACO S.A.
Title: Jefe de Marketing
Period: May 2024 - Jan 2020
Company: 8 años 8 meses
Title: Samsung Electronics
Period: Jan 2012 - Oct 2012 (9 months)
Company: Bellsouth Perú
Title: Ejecutivo de cargas virtuales y tarjetas prepago
Period: Sep 2002 - Dec 2003 (1 year, 3 months)
Location: Perú
Title: Supervisor de División
Period: Aug 2001 - Aug 2002 (1 year)
Location: Perú
Jose Zegarra's education
Logotipo de Universidad de Lima
Bachelor's degree, Business Administration and Management, General
1992 - 1999
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Pricing Strategy Manager
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Analista legal
Breña, Lima, Peru
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Research Manager Emerging Markets
Miami, Florida, United States
Jose Zegarra
Logistics Team Leader
Southsea, England, United Kingdom
José Abraham De La Rosa Zegarra
Analista de Planeamiento de la Cadena de Suministro y Control de la Demanda
San Borja, Lima, Peru
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