Joseph Frayser

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Email: ****r@smith-nephew.com
Location: Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Current employer: Smith+Nephew
Current title:
Quality Assurance Manager
Last updated: 01/04/2024 01:35 AM
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Joseph Frayser is from Memphis, Tennessee, United States. Joseph is currently Quality Assurance Manager at Smith+Nephew, located in Watford, England, United Kingdom.

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Joseph Frayser's current jobs
Company: Smith+Nephew
Title: Quality Assurance Manager
Period: Sep 2022 - Present (2 years, 3 months)
Location: Watford, England, United Kingdom

Quality Manager, working directly with two inspection teams and metrology lab to ensure that orthopedic implants are up to strict FDA standards. Works directly with engineering team to find real-time root causes to issues and providing info to operations team. Charged with developing new strategies to further improve plant yield as well as monitoring morale. Fundamental understating of biomedical technology and inspection practices.

Joseph Frayser's Colleagues
Roberto Pujol
Senior Director Information Technology
Watford, England, United Kingdom
Maily Miglani
Vice President, Business Development
Watford, England, United Kingdom
Katya Chistik Hantel
Vice President, ESG
Watford, England, United Kingdom
Allan Freedline
Director, Enabling Technologies
Watford, England, United Kingdom
Neil Hall
Senior Vice President Strategy, Technology, and Operations Excellence
Watford, England, United Kingdom
Joseph Frayser has 17K+ colleagues in total at Smith+Nephew. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Joseph Frayser
Joe Frayser
Account Manager
Lake Forest, Illinois, United States
There are 1 other "Joseph Frayser". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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