Joseph Pickens

BS Mechanical Engineering. MS Computer Science. Seeking entry-level software engineering opportunities.
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LinkedIn: Joseph Pickens
Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States
Current employer: Westek Electronics
Current title:
Mechanical Drafter
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:48 AM
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Joseph Pickens is from Santa Cruz, California, United States. Joseph works in the following industries: "Telecommunications". Joseph is currently Mechanical Drafter at Westek Electronics, located in Watsonville, California, United States. Joseph also works as Mechanical Engineer at Prysm Systems , a job Joseph has held since Nov 2021. In Joseph's previous role as a Teaching Assistant at Brandeis University, Joseph worked in Waltham, Massachusetts, United States until May 2021. Prior to joining Brandeis University, Joseph was a Product Development and Design Engineer at Westek Electronics and held the position of Product Development and Design Engineer at Watsonville, CA. Prior to that, Joseph was a Mechanical Development Intern at Prysm Inc., based in San Jose, CA from Mar 2015 to Sep 2016. Joseph started working as Food Service, Store Servicing at Whiting's Foods, Inc in Santa Cruz, CA in Jun 2012.

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Joseph Pickens's current jobs
Title: Mechanical Drafter
Period: Nov 2021 - Present (3 years, 2 months)
Location: Watsonville, California, United States
Company: Prysm Systems
Title: Mechanical Engineer
Period: Nov 2021 - Present (3 years, 2 months)
Joseph Pickens's past jobs
Title: Teaching Assistant
Period: Aug 2019 - May 2021 (1 year, 9 months)
Location: Waltham, Massachusetts, United States

Tutored undergraduate and graduate students in MATLAB, advanced Java programming, and Theory of Computation.

Title: Product Development and Design Engineer
Period: Dec 2018 - Aug 2019 (8 months)
Location: Watsonville, CA

Worked directly with company CEO to design custom tools for field technicians in the telecommunications industry. Responsibilities included design for manufacturing, creating part and assembly models and drawings in Solidworks, 3D-printing prototypes, and drafting cable assembly drawings in AutoCAD, all while documenting processes in accordance with ISO standards.

Company: Prysm Inc.
Title: Mechanical Development Intern
Period: Mar 2015 - Sep 2016 (1 year, 6 months)
Location: San Jose, CA

Interned for two summers working with Prysm's mechanical team on the design and prototyping of a large, seamless, touchscreen, laser-powered phosphor display. The first summer I spent running extensive thermal and airflow tests on the cooling system, and performing mechanical impact tests on the touchscreen panel to determine its vibrational response to a finger tap. The second summer I was responsible for a proof-of-concept design for a field installation tool for the front touchscreen panel, and for thermal testing and analysis during validation testing.

Company: Whiting's Foods, Inc
Title: Food Service, Store Servicing
Period: Jun 2012 - Jan 2016 (3 years, 7 months)
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Joseph Pickens's education
Brandeis University
Master of Science - MS
2019 - 2021
University of California, Davis
Bachelor of Science - BS
2016 - 2018
Cabrillo College
2013 - 2016
West Valley College
2014 - 2014
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