Josh Cramer Montes

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
Current title:
Founder & Principal
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Josh Cramer Montes is from Portland, Oregon, United States. Josh is currently Founder & Principal at Hyphen Strategies Consulting LLC, located in Portland, Oregon, United States.

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Josh Cramer Montes's current jobs
Title: Founder & Principal
Period: May 2014 - Present (10 years, 8 months)
Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Hyphen Strategies is an independent consultancy that bridges multi-sector knowledge gaps to help organizations deliver sustainable businesses innovation and social impact. It provides a range of sustainability, communications, and marketing services to inspire diverse stakeholders to action. – Served on President Joe Biden’s Climate, Energy, and Environmental Policy Committee. Led 2 Sub-Committees (Manufacturing & Innovation and Conservation) in developing a joint 100-Day Plan to accelerate the transition to a circular economy – Authored “Sustainability: A New Path to Corporate & NGO Collaborations” in the Stanford Social Innovation Review; cited in 25+ publications on sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and social entrepreneurship – Recent client projects: COVID-19 contingency and business resilience planning, community engagement and workplace DEI programs (media); corporate sustainability program development (healthcare); market intelligence (footwear & apparel) – Previous client work (further below) includes: Pro Mujer, United Nations, and CRS

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