Joshua Manaid

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Cork Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Enactus MTU
Current title:
Chairperson & Team Leader
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:47 AM
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Joshua Manaid is from Cork Metropolitan Area. Joshua is currently Chairperson & Team Leader at Enactus MTU, located in Cork, County Cork, Ireland.

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Joshua Manaid's current jobs
Company: Enactus MTU
Title: Chairperson & Team Leader
Period: May 2020 - Present (4 years, 8 months)
Location: Cork, County Cork, Ireland

Enactus MTU (Part of Enactus Ireland) is a student-led non-profit organisation that creates and implements social change through entrepreneurial action. At Enactus MTU we currently have established 2 social enterprises - FlyMTU & Autism Cooking Education (ACE). We won the 'Spirit of Enactus' Award at the 2021 Enactus Ireland National Competition and the 'Risam Ulile’ Award at the 2021 MTU Societies Awards Night. As Chairperson & Team Leader of Enactus MTU, I undertook the following tasks: • Act as a liaison between Enactus Ireland and Enactus MTU. • Manage a team of 52 consisting of two high-potential social enterprise start-ups tackling 5 of the 17 UN SDGs. • Successfully presented Project FLY and secured 2,000 euros seed funding from Citi Bank and Standard Chartered. • Restructured the committee team by adding a marketing team to improve efforts to promote and increase the awareness of Enactus MTU on campus. • Spearheaded the preparation for the Enactus Ireland National Competition 2021. • Represented Enactus MTU at the Enactus Ireland National Competition 2021. • Ensure each project meets the Enactus criterion.

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