Judith Pinkerton MT BC

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Email: ****h@music4life.us
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Current employer:
Music 4 Life®
Current title:
Founder & CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:47 AM
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Judith Pinkerton MT BC is from Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Judith is currently Founder & CEO at Music 4 Life®, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. In Judith's previous role as a Founder, Executive Director at Center for Creative Therapeutic Arts, Judith worked in until Jan 2010.

You can find Judith Pinkerton MT BC's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Judith Pinkerton MT BC's current jobs
Company: Music 4 Life®
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: Jan 1991 - Present (34 years)
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Music 4 Life® Inc. expanded from SeminarConcerts International, Inc. (1991-2010), empowering people to make music work like medicine. Help us arm people from all walks of life with Music 4 Life's Music Medicine protocol to combat stress and unsettled moods that explode and implode daily! Join the Music Medicine Club and take the eCourse "Music Medicine Boot Camp." Founder Judith Pinkerton is featured in TedxUNLV (2014) was VIP Speaker for the International Women's Forum "Music an Instrument for Change"​ in Jamaica (2013) and is a cutting-edge interactive keynote speaker. Attaining the first music therapy license in the USA, Pinkerton co-treats with health professionals through court-ordered programs and addiction treatment agencies. 1. Access podcasts and more at Music 4 Life's MusicMedicineClub.com. 2. Take the free self-assessment at TheMusic4Life.com determine your emotional shape - and what to do to make it healthy. 3. Transform your music listening habits intentionally applying Music Medicine Pills™ to feel better now after being trained at the MusicMedicineAcademy.com. 4. Access music therapists on MusicTelemedicine.com to support your proactive music choices for Music Medicine Pills! TheMusic4Life.com Call 702-889-2881 USA Specialties: Speaker, music therapist, violinist, author, podcaster, recording artist, drum circle facilitator.

Judith Pinkerton MT BC's past jobs
Company: Center for Creative Therapeutic Arts
Title: Founder, Executive Director
Period: Jan 1990 - Jan 2010 (20 years)
Judith Pinkerton MT BC's Colleagues
Donnie Lee III, LPMT, MT-BC
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Ricky Martin
Dj producer
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Music for Life
Músico profissional
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Judith Pinkerton MT BC has 3 colleagues in total at Music 4 Life®. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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