Julia Hofmann

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Current employer: Amway
Current title:
European Brand Manager Nutrition and Wellness | Portfolio Marketing - Region EU SA ANZ
Last updated: 26/05/2023 19:35 PM
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Julia Hofmann is from Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Julia is currently European Brand Manager Nutrition and Wellness | Portfolio Marketing - Region EU SA ANZ at Amway, located in Ada, Michigan, United States.

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Julia Hofmann's current jobs
Company: Amway
Title: European Brand Manager Nutrition and Wellness | Portfolio Marketing - Region EU SA ANZ
Period: Jul 2012 - Present (12 years, 6 months)
Location: Ada, Michigan, United States

Expansion of brand presence and customer loyalty. Revival from declining sales to growth. Strong focus on customer insights in the development of product concepts and implementation of communication and sales tools. • Management of global product launches, relaunches and brand campaigns. • Local product development from idea to market launch, taking into account heterogeneous markets. Responsible for the growth and profitability of the assigned brand categories in the field of food supplements. Support of 33 markets, EU, Turkey, Ukraine, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand.

Julia Hofmann's Colleagues
Milind Pant
Ada, Michigan, United States
Andrew Binkley
Global Omnichannel Logistics, Global Lead of Speed and Value
Ada, Michigan, United States
Ashish Khan
Chief Technology and Platform Officer
Ada, Michigan, United States
Shyam R.
Head, Emerging Markets, Innovation and Science (R&D)
Ada, Michigan, United States
Joe Kline
Manager Social Commerce
Ada, Michigan, United States
Julia Hofmann has 37K+ colleagues in total at Amway. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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