Julia Kline

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Location: Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Julia Kline
Current title:
Regenerative Fashion Explorer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:05 AM
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Julia Kline is from Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area. Julia is currently Regenerative Fashion Explorer at Julia Kline, located in Butzbach, Hesse, Germany. Julia also works as Scholarship Holder at Circular Futures, a job Julia has held since Oct 2021.

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Julia Kline's current jobs
Company: Julia Kline
Title: Regenerative Fashion Explorer
Period: Nov 2021 - Present (3 years, 2 months)
Location: Butzbach, Hesse, Germany

We are facing the biggest upheaval in the fashion industry: It currently accounts for 4-10% of the global GHG emissions. These emissions are rising, production volumes are increasing, and the use of polyester is predicted to be 6X the volume of cotton in the year 2028. There seems to be a lack of will power, guts and action to truly change course. In this time of change, organizations need more than money. They need new talent with special skills such as systemic thinking, resilience and creativity, as well as a positive forward-looking vision, before it's too late. ​ In the midst of this time of change, I dare to dream with you: - Of a New Paradigm where dignity, humility, integrity and cooperation are an essential part of the industry. - Of an economy in which biological cycles of materials maintain the value of our resources. - Of a future where complexity is seen as an opportunity. - Of a worldview in which the concepts longevity, circularity, empowerment and regeneration appear as tools for real change. ​ Instead of repairing the past, I would like to actively shape the future with you. - Gain more regenerative and circular fashion wisdom, context and systems thinking - Increase your creative confidence to tackle complexity and uncertainty - Create a positive and regenerative vision for the fashion industry - Reflect on your personal role in the transformation - Build a spirit that pulls all members of your team in the same direction My workshops will change how you see the fashion system and it's future. Please find infos on me and my current workshop offer below!

Company: Circular Futures
Title: Scholarship Holder
Period: Oct 2021 - Present (3 years, 3 months)
Location: Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Circular Futures is set to become the largest Germany-wide innovation program in the field of the circular economy. The goal: to bring the European Commission's Green Deal to life and show how tomorrow's circular economy can succeed today. They support civil society initiatives and startups in quickly piloting, further developing and, at best, scaling new ideas, products, business models or forms of cooperation. Circular Futures is thus a real laboratory for solutions to social challenges. It is based on the close involvement of partners from industry, the public sector, civil society and science. Only if all stakeholder groups are involved in the development of solutions can the transformation to a circular economy succeed in the long term.

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