Juliana Forlin

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Email: ****n@nubank.com.br
Location: São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Current employer: Nubank
Current title:
Marketing Analytics Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:40 AM
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Juliana Forlin is from São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Juliana is currently Marketing Analytics Manager at Nubank, located in Paraíba, Brazil.

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Juliana Forlin's current jobs
Company: Nubank
Title: Marketing Analytics Manager
Period: Jul 2021 - Present (3 years, 6 months)
Location: Paraíba, Brazil

- Define, lead, and project manage by bringing together/interpreting internal and external data to produce insightful findings regarding financial behaviour. - Research new ways of modeling data to unlock actionable procurement insights and monitor performance indicators, highlighting trends, and analyzing causes of unexpected variance. - Design and analyse controlled experiment or counterfactual causal inference study to examine incremental impact of marketing campaigns. - Make business recommendations with effective presentations of findings at multiple levels of stakeholders through visual displays of quantitative information. - People management (6 ICs): identifying, attracting, and developing a diverse team and creating an inclusive team culture.

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Juliana Forlin
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