Juliana Scheidhauer

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Email: ****a@reimagineresources.co
Location: Greater St. Louis
Current employer:
Reimagine Resources
Current title:
Founder & CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Juliana Scheidhauer is from Greater St. Louis. Juliana is currently Founder & CEO at Reimagine Resources, located in St Louis, Missouri, United States.

Juliana Scheidhauer can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Juliana Scheidhauer's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Juliana Scheidhauer's current jobs
Company: Reimagine Resources
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: May 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: St Louis, Missouri, United States

Leading a business of people and profit results. Began operations in 2020 during the pandemic and in 2021 created Reimagine Resources, LLC. We now have a facility of about 5,000 sq/ft with office space, a showroom area, and a shop area. Responsibilities of a small successful startup are extensive and include strategy, implementation, and management as well as the full operations of the business from sourcing to selling and making happy loyal customers. • Created a profitable and scalable business from day 1. • Built an agile business able to pivot and anticipate consumers behaviors to successfully become a top individual and fitness seller in St. Louis, MO with high customer ratings, 700+ followers, and over weekly listing views of over 50K. • Demonstrated success in creating the business with an initial investment of $500 to over $200K of sales. • Proven to negotiate, source, and market locally and online resulting in growth. • Strategically created a pricing structure for optimal turnover and high-profit margins. • Optimized operations creating systems and processes for quality control and efficiency and effectiveness. • Growth driven management from a 1-person operation to an 8-person operation along with partners and contractors in the first year. • Strong performance of a strategic, sustainable, and data-driven business for long-term and short-term success in an uncertain economic environment. • Participate in the Greater STL Inc., Business Diversity Accelerator program.

Juliana Scheidhauer's Colleagues
Precious Bucad
Virtual Assistant/Social Media Designer
Fenton, Missouri, United States
Benjamin Scheidhauer
Operations Assistant
Fenton, Missouri, United States
Juliana Scheidhauer has 2 colleagues in total at Reimagine Resources. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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