Julie Coogan

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Email: ****o@treeoflife.ie
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:47 AM
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Julie Coogan is from Ireland. Julie is currently Owner at Tree of Life Centre, Malahide Co Dublin, located in Malahide Demesne, County Dublin, Ireland.

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Julie Coogan's current jobs
Title: Owner
Period: May 2006 - Present (18 years, 8 months)
Location: Malahide Demesne, County Dublin, Ireland

Owner and Manager of Tree of Life Centre. Julie set up Tree Of Life in 2006, an award winning therapy centre achieving her vision to create a centre of Excellence to support the diverse and expanding area of Holistic health for wellbeing. She fully understands how important it is that we take care of ourselves while juggling the varied demands on our time & personal resources. She sincerely advocates that the many branches of Holistic Therapies enrich & empower us. Together with the Tree of Life team of gifted professional therapists, excellent Mindfulness,Yoga and class facilitators, Julie is dedicated to the pursuit of only the highest standards of ethical practice and care in Complementary therapies. As well as running the centre Julie also has a private Counselling & Psychotherapy practice in Tree of Life. Her experience spans a wide range of presenting concerns, in particular anxiety management and recovery. She is dedicated to continual professional development, further study and research and ongoing personal development. She is an accredited member of the IACP.

Julie Coogan's Colleagues
Frédéric Siméoni
Holistic Therapist
Malahide Demesne, County Dublin, Ireland
Julie Coogan has 1 colleagues in total at Tree of Life Centre, Malahide Co Dublin. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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