Julie Du Brow

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Email: ****e@dubroworks.com
Location: Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
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Current title:
Founder / CEO / Communications Specialist, Marketing
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:21 AM
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Julie Du Brow is from Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Julie is currently Founder / CEO / Communications Specialist, Marketing at DUBROWORKS.

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Julie Du Brow's current jobs
Title: Founder / CEO / Communications Specialist, Marketing
Period: Mar 2002 - Present (22 years, 10 months)

Boutique communications and marketing firm catering to for- and non-profits in fields of sustainability & environment, technology, architecture & design, social good, community, the arts, and start-ups. Employ and guide assistants / interns. Plan & implement internal/external communications, partnerships, brand engagement and project management for and with clients. Establish relationships and interface across industries, and with government agencies and NGOs. Develop and leverage stories. Run Media Relations across traditional and emerging channels. Manage Social Media Plans. Establish & maintain marketing & community partnerships, cross-marketing, and sponsorships. Produce reports/newsletters, Consult(ed) with such key clients as The Bay Foundation, U.S. Green Building Council-Los Angeles, cities of Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, Studio-MLA, Iwerks & Co. (Oscar-nominated filmmaker), Mobile Entertainment Forum Americas, Dr. Donald Johanson (discovered “Lucy”), FoLAR, Angel City Sports, designers Barclay Butera and Rocky Rochon, Paul Murdoch Architects, American Clay Inc., Travelex. ■ Coordinated and directed press conference for new L.A. County non-potable water ‘how to’ matrix launch between City of Santa Monica, City of L.A., L.A. County, and various NGOs. Over 200 attendees, multiple press. ■ Directed website overhaul for The Bay Foundation, increased relevance and awareness of TBF’s work, and clearly identified organization and expertise of science staff. ■ Grew Barclay Butera from local designer to design star, with 150,000,000+ media impressions across national media by helping unite three arms of business into one with new brand messaging, speaking engagements. ■ Introduced and moved American Clay from niche ‘green’ media into design, and mainstream lifestyle media. CEO credited my work as “significant factor in [2nd] year's 400% growth in our business."

Julie Du Brow's Colleagues
Stephen Hatzai MS
Outpatient Therapist
Julie Du Brow has 1 colleagues in total at DUBROWORKS. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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