Justin Elliott

Owner at In The Zone Party Rentals Ltd.
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LinkedIn: Justin Elliott
Location: Grande Prairie County 1, Alberta, Canada
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In The Zone Party Rentals Ltd.
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:33 AM
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Justin Elliott is from Grande Prairie County 1, Alberta, Canada. Justin works in the following industries: "Retail". Justin is currently Owner at In The Zone Party Rentals Ltd., located in 9916-113 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB.

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Justin Elliott's current jobs
Company: In The Zone Party Rentals Ltd.
Title: Owner
Period: Jul 2005 - Present (19 years, 6 months)
Location: 9916-113 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

Locally owned and Grande Prairie's #1 source of fun and entertainment for all special events. Whether you are looking for a fantastic way to celebrate a birthday, seeking an innovative team building experience, wanting to add bounce to your work BBQ, or are you in need of an unique attraction for your benefit or fundraiser. We offer a wide variety of party items that will be a blast for any function, big or small. And for the adults, although we specialize in children and youth events, we have something that will bring out the kid in you too! Not only do we offer bouncy castles and rides we also offer Laser Tag, Airbrush Tattoos, Sumo Wrestling, Fun Casino's and more. We will help you throw the most awesome party in town!!!!!

Justin Elliott's education
Grand Falls Academy
Justin Elliott's top skills
Event Management Advertising Social Media Corporate Events Social Networking Entertainment Event Planning Public Relations Marketing Strategy
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