Kabali Saul

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Kampala, Uganda
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Current title:
Co-Founder & Director of Strategy and Finance
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:05 AM
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Kabali Saul is from Kampala, Uganda. Kabali is currently Co-Founder & Director of Strategy and Finance at SafeBangle.

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Kabali Saul's current jobs
Company: SafeBangle
Title: Co-Founder & Director of Strategy and Finance
Period: Apr 2019 - Present (5 years, 9 months)

SafeBangle is Ugandan based social enterprise devoted to designing and developing solutions to curb Sexual Gender-Based-Violence (SGBV) and physical for a safer world. SafeBangle Team is developing a wearable safety tool which can be used by the would-be victims of assaults, SGBV and other forms of injustices to be empowered to call their trusted relatives and loved ones for help and notify them where they are. The wearable safety tool will be used primarily by youths, students, to be their own champions against violence which is a prevailing concern in Uganda today.

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