Kaizhi Tang

Chief Data Scientist @ Alibaba | PhD, NLP
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Email: ****i@berylconsulting.com
LinkedIn: Kaizhi Tang, PhD
Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland United States;
Last updated: 04/06/2024 15:19 PM
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Kaizhi Tang is from Gaithersburg, Maryland United States;. In Kaizhi's previous role as a Senior Data Science Consultant at hireEZ, Kaizhi worked in until Jan 2022. Prior to joining hireEZ, Kaizhi was a Chief Data Scientist at Heaven Rock Technology Co., Ltd. and held the position of Chief Data Scientist. Prior to that, Kaizhi was a Chief Technology Officer at Heaven Rock Technology Co., Ltd. from to Jan 2017. Kaizhi started working as Principal Data Scientist at Alibaba.com in . From to Jan 2014, Kaizhi was Chief Data Science Advisor at The Beryl Consulting Group LLC. Prior to that, Kaizhi was a Senior Data Mining Expert at Alibaba.com from to Jan 2014. Kaizhi started working as Program Manager of Data Mining and Informatics at Intelligent Automation, Inc. in .

You can find Kaizhi Tang's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Kaizhi Tang's past jobs
Company: hireEZ
Title: Senior Data Science Consultant

Providing consulting and advisory services upon developing natural language process based job candidate recommendation engine.

Company: Heaven Rock Technology Co., Ltd.
Title: Chief Data Scientist

Dr. Tang has been researching and developing innovative data mining and artificial intelligence solutions and systems for healthcare, and related data-rich scenarios. Based on the mental health telemedicine platform Soul Buddy App, Dr. Tang architected and led the development of the conversational artificial intelligence engine for digital mental health to realize 4M sales. He built content recommendation systems with deep learning algorithms to improve user satisfaction by 15%. He also worked closely with operation managers to apply a data science approach to increase online sales by 100% in half a year. Recently, Dr. Tang has been extending the mental health conversational AI into virtual consultants by leveraging LLM’s personalization and fine-tuning capabilities.

Company: Heaven Rock Technology Co., Ltd.
Title: Chief Technology Officer

As the co-founder and CTO of Hangzhou Heaven Rock Technology Co., Ltd., Dr. Tang has been directing and operating the mental health service platform - Soul Buddy App, the online psychological service platform first applying artificial intelligence technology in China. Dr. Tang has been involved in product management, online sales optimization, and fundraising. Dr. Tang led a team of 20 members, architected and built the online mental health system with social community and e-commerce capability to grow the business from zero to 10M.

Company: Alibaba.com
Title: Principal Data Scientist

Led a team of 25 members of data scientists, data engineers, software developers, graphical designer to invent and build the first automated financial news generation bot in China to reduce 80% of labor for instant news writing. This effort has been reported by several news agencies and won a national award in the newspaper industry.

Title: Chief Data Science Advisor

Research and design ChatGPT-oriented investment management application for hedge funds and alternative data. Advise and help transform traditional hedge fund analysis software into cloud applications integrated with GPT tools. Research hedge fund trading strategies and implement them in the world of retail investing.

Company: Alibaba.com
Title: Senior Data Mining Expert

Led a team of 7 scientists and engineers to develop multi-language text mining and sentimental analysis of e-commerce reviews to improve online sales by 15% and 7% respectively for AliExpress and Taobao. He led a team of 20 members of data scientists, data engineers, and analysts to build the business intelligence reporting generation system using Alibaba's e-commerce data to bring 10M annual revenue.

Company: Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Title: Program Manager of Data Mining and Informatics

Leading and managing the research and development effort in the area of data mining and informatics, specializing in the area of big data analytics.

Company: Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Title: Lead Scientist

Lead the research and development in the area of data mining and informatics by working with nation-wide leading researchers.

Company: Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Title: Senior Scientist

Conduct research and development in the area of data mining, especially developing distributed data mining platform leveraging agent based computational infrastructure.

Title: Managing Partner

As the Head of Technology, Dr. Tang works closely with Beryl's hedge fund analysts in creating cutting-edge hedge fund analytics and multi-manager platforms. He directed the software development of Beryl Tools integrating statistical analysis, artificial intelligence, optimization and business intelligence reporting. He also directed the hedge fund portal BERYL360 based on Drupal and web service connection to the Java reporting server. As Big Data authority, Dr. Tang evaluates early stage venture capital and private equity opportunities for The Beryl Consulting Group.

Company: Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Title: Research Scientist

Conduct research and development in the area of supply chain optimization, system engineering and data mining.

Kaizhi Tang's top skills
TensorFlow Data Visualization C++ Mathematical Programming Multi-agent Systems Proposal Writing Weka RapidMiner LAMP Software Architecture Database Administration Java MongoDB Elasticsearch PyTorch Software Project Management Drupal Machine Learning Algorithms Natural Language Generation SQL Data Science Large Language Models (LLM) Deep Learning Quantitative Research Algorithmic Trading Machine Learning Operations Research Pattern Recognition Data Mining Algorithms Simulations Artificial Intelligence Software Development Data Analysis Python Text Mining Natural Language Processing
Other people named Kaizhi Tang
Sensor Sales Engineer
Natick, Massachusetts, United States
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