Kamakshi Velamuri

(Ka - ma - K - shi, Vay - la - mu -ri) --- Freshman Student at NCCU --- CEO/Founder/President at Universal Vidya --- Freshman Class Secretary of NCCU SGA --- NCCU Delegate of UNCASG
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Email: ****v@universalvidya.org
LinkedIn: Kamakshi Velamuri
Location: Morrisville, North Carolina, United States
Current employer:
Universal Vidya
Current title:
CEO, Founder, and President
Last updated: 17/10/2023 08:44 AM
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Kamakshi Velamuri is from Morrisville, North Carolina, United States. Kamakshi is currently CEO, Founder, and President at Universal Vidya, located in Morrisville, North Carolina, United States.

Kamakshi Velamuri's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Kamakshi Velamuri's current jobs
Company: Universal Vidya
Title: CEO, Founder, and President
Period: Aug 2020 - Present (4 years, 5 months)
Location: Morrisville, North Carolina, United States

Universal Vidya is an educational non-profit that provides essential life skills to high school and university level students on various topics. Duties: - Lead the whole team regarding their duties - Responsible for recruiting a good team - Financially contributing to all expenses of the organization. Keep up with financial goals and statistics - Fill and file annual legal documentation - Host all the meetings, events, and workshops - Work with the event planner to organize all the events - Update the website, and manage and design the website - In charge of the marketing team. Makes sure the marketing team follows the marketing plan. Frequently update marketing plans and help with marketing.

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