Karen Chovan

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Email: ****n@envirointegration.com
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Current employer:
Enviro Integration Strategies Inc.
Current title:
Founder, CEO
Last updated: 04/06/2024 08:05 AM
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Karen Chovan is from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Karen is currently Founder, CEO at Enviro Integration Strategies Inc., located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

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Karen Chovan's current jobs
Company: Enviro Integration Strategies Inc.
Title: Founder, CEO
Period: Nov 2014 - Present (9 years, 10 months)
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Over the past 20 years, Karen has repeatedly found success in uniting diverse minds, engaging these teams to work collaboratively, to find solutions for unique environmental and regulatory challenges, often saving millions of dollars for the parent organization, as well as ensuring positive regulatory relations. Karen's strategic thinking has ensured the identification of several project risks, challenges and opportunities, and her ability to lead teams to successful completion of projects, and through transformational change, is proven. What we focus on: Tailings and mine waste management, inclusive and collaborative mechanisms to clarify TMS scope & TSF system elements, identification of risks and opportunities with your teams, planning for improvements, and transparent communication & integration of the results. Bringing diverse minds to co-create together is the key to delivering high-value results, and we can help you do that. If you are searching for tailored: - support on improving your tailings and mine waste management systems, - guidance and assistance to integrate sustainability into business goals, strategies & operating processes, - support in collaborating with customers, stakeholders, service providers, consultants or research teams, and/or - ways to engage your employees to collaborate, to optimize plans and design, and to learn how to avoid environmental impacts through layout and design. Let's discuss your challenges and collaborate to find solutions that work for you.

Karen Chovan's Colleagues
Angelina Starkova
Digital Marketing Manager
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Anna Malynina
Marketing Specialist
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
AnalĂ­a Parrillo
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Karen Chovan has 3 colleagues in total at Enviro Integration Strategies Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Karen Chovan
Karen Chovan
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