Karin Elizabeth

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Location: Detroit Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Remedy Entertainment LLC
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:06 AM
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Karin Elizabeth is from Detroit Metropolitan Area. Karin is currently CEO at Remedy Entertainment LLC.

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Karin Elizabeth's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2006 - Present (19 years)

About Karin Elizabeth: A former child prodigy on the violin, Karin Elizabeth spent her childhood immersed in classical music. By the time she was thirteen she had already performed on many well-known stages around the world, singing as well as playing in symphony orchestras. In high school and college, where she studied music performance and education, Karin learned to play many instruments including the cello, guitar, french horn, piano and saxophone. She enjoyed a career as an orchestra director and teacher prior to meeting her husband Larry who made her the lead singer of his rock band, Remedy. Karin now performs full-time once again and is back at home on the stages of Detroit Michigan with plans to tour nationally and internationally once again. She is also an award-winning writer of poetry and prose, and teaches privately during the fall and winter months. About Karin Elizabeth and the Remedy Band: Performing 200+ shows a year, Remedy is Detroit’s most-booked cover band. Featuring international recording artist Karin Elizabeth on electric violin and fiddle, Remedy is also one of Detroit’s most unique bands. With their professional, high-energy sound and widely-varied musical selection, Remedy entertains audiences of all ages, at many different types and sizes of venues including bars and nightclubs, festivals and fairs, weddings, and concert halls. A Remedy show is an incredible experience! Featuring the extensive use of the electric violin and fiddle, as well as female and male lead vocals with five-part harmonies, Remedy is as unique as it is engaging. Remedy features many popular cover tunes from the sixties through today, as well as many one-of-a kind covers of songs that positively fascinate. Remedy has the charisma and positive energy that will create and retain a crowd, and get them on the dance floor and having a great time in no time!

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