Kasra Menhaji

Engineering Manager at Tesla
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LinkedIn: Kasra Menhaji
Current employer:
Tesla Motors
Current title:
Engineering Manager, Systems Validation/Automation
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:31 AM
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Kasra works in the following industries: "Higher Education", and "Automotive". Kasra is currently Engineering Manager, Systems Validation/Automation at Tesla Motors. In Kasra's previous role as a Firmware Engineer, Systems Validation/Automation at Tesla Motors, Kasra worked in until Jun 2018. Prior to joining Tesla Motors, Kasra was a Research Assistant (BioMEMS Lab) at UC Irvine and held the position of Research Assistant (BioMEMS Lab). Prior to that, Kasra was a Infotainment / Antenna Design Release Engineer at Fisker Automotive from Nov 2012 to Apr 2013. Kasra started working as EMC Engineer at Fisker Automotive in Jun 2011.

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Kasra Menhaji's current jobs
Company: Tesla Motors
Title: Engineering Manager, Systems Validation/Automation
Period: Jun 2018 - Present (6 years, 6 months)
Kasra Menhaji's past jobs
Company: Tesla Motors
Title: Firmware Engineer, Systems Validation/Automation
Period: Oct 2013 - Jun 2018 (4 years, 8 months)
Company: UC Irvine
Title: Research Assistant (BioMEMS Lab)
Period: May 2013 - Aug 2013 (3 months)
Title: Infotainment / Antenna Design Release Engineer
Period: Nov 2012 - Apr 2013 (5 months)
Title: EMC Engineer
Period: Jun 2011 - Oct 2012 (1 year, 4 months)
Kasra Menhaji's education
Orange Coast College
2006 - 2009
University of California, Irvine
2009 - 2011
Kasra Menhaji's top skills
Automotive Pspice Automotive Engineering Simulations Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Manufacturing Engineering Management Matlab VHDL Automotive Electronics HEV Electric Vehicles Microcontrollers CANoe Vector CANalyzer Powertrain FMEA Power Electronics Simulink Embedded Systems
Other people named Kasra Menhaji
kasra menhaji
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