Katerina Tiumikova

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Email: ****t@fnx.com.ua
Location: Kyiv, Kyiv City, Ukraine
Current employer: Fenix Industry
Current title:
CEO of Kyiv Department
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:51 AM
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Katerina Tiumikova is from Kyiv, Kyiv City, Ukraine. Katerina is currently CEO of Kyiv Department at Fenix Industry, located in Ukraine.

You can find Katerina Tiumikova's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Katerina Tiumikova's current jobs
Company: Fenix Industry
Title: CEO of Kyiv Department
Period: Mar 2020 - Present (4 years, 10 months)
Location: Ukraine

- Develop business and marketing plans in coordination with the CEO to achieve revenue goals - Analyze the current and past budgets, expenses, sales, revenues and product deficiencies in order to provide recommendations for business growth and problem resolution - Maintaining regular communication with both the customer and internal teams, and constantly manage customer expectations - Managing all day-to-day administrative activities of projects - Strategic and operational planning for achieving new and improved existing business goals and objectives - Business proposals preparation, supervision of marketing & communications activities such as digital outreach and oversight of performance of all business development department functions; - Developing creative strategies to retain the clients including interviewing them to get their feedback and incorporate it into the growth plan

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