Katie Wallace MBA

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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States
Current employer: Boom Chicka Zoom
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:59 AM
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Katie Wallace MBA is from Denver, Colorado, United States. Katie is currently Founder at Boom Chicka Zoom, located in Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States.

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Katie Wallace MBA's current jobs
Company: Boom Chicka Zoom
Title: Founder
Period: Sep 2020 - Present (4 years, 4 months)
Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

• Increased revenue by more than 40% in second half of year one by building a diverse customer base including senior residential facilities, individuals, and businesses. • Create custom skills-based resources and training curriculum for educating adult learners on various technology topics including social media, iPhones, Zoom, Google Drive, One Drive, and more • Consult and streamline operations for small businesses including online marketing and lead capturing. • Build out Boom Chicka Zoom’s business operations including creating a business plan, marketing finance, and strategy.

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