Katrina Crook Mining Gaicd

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Location: Greater Brisbane Area
Current employer: AusIMM
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Last updated: 28/02/2024 08:59 AM
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Katrina Crook Mining Gaicd is from Greater Brisbane Area. Katrina Crook is currently Director at AusIMM, located in Carlton, New South Wales, Australia.

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Katrina Crook Mining Gaicd's current jobs
Company: AusIMM
Title: Director
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: Carlton, New South Wales, Australia

The AusIMM is a Royal Chartered not-for-profit which represents 13,000 professionals globally in the resources sector, promoting the highest ethical and professional standards in the mining industry in the interests of the broader community. The AusIMM Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction for the organisation and is focused on governance, specifically in relation to strategy, finance and risk. The AusIMM help to shape careers, showcase leadership, create communities and uphold industry standards. The AusIMM offer outstanding professional development opportunities including world class mining conferences, leadership events, online learning and industry news to help build and accelerate careers. As a welcoming and inclusive organisation, AusIMM is committed to representing all people in the resources industry and improving environmental, social, and economic outcomes in the sector, now and for generations to come.

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