Keith Rubenstein

Managing Partner at Redstone Healthcare PPE
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LinkedIn: Keith Rubenstein
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Current employer: Redstone Healthcare
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Last updated: 14/05/2024 07:34 AM
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Keith Rubenstein is from Greater Chicago Area. Keith is currently CEO at Redstone Healthcare, located in Lake Bluff, Illinois, United States.

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Keith Rubenstein's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Feb 2014 - Present (10 years, 10 months)
Location: Lake Bluff, Illinois, United States

At Redstone Healthcare, I oversee sales, operations and marketing efforts of our new and refurbished product lines. From Ultrasound to Digital X-ray. Latin America is a key growth sector and by years end Redstone will have its first international office located outside of the US. We have a full team of ultrasound service professionals across America to handle your ultrasound imaging needs. We are a different company. We do things differently with the client in mind first and our Sales Professionals all have worked their careers with the same mindset. Redstone, like the Ruby, a gem that will keep its value or increase over time. A great investment to handle your imaging service and sales needs.

Keith Rubenstein's education
Youngstown State University
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
1985 - 1990
Keith Rubenstein's top skills
Cross-functional Team Leadership Inventory Management Operating Room Surgeons Surgical Instruments Biomedical Engineering Group Purchasing Leadership Selling Hardware Diagnostics Solution Selling Capital Equipment Sales Healthcare Information Technology Healthcare Industry Cath Lab MRI Strategic Partnerships Digital Imaging Medical Equipment Sales Operations
Keith Rubenstein's Colleagues
Martin J. M.
Lake Bluff, Illinois, United States
Suman Singh
National Director of Service
Lake Bluff, Illinois, United States
Christy Maguire
Sales operations
Lake Bluff, Illinois, United States
Keith Rubenstein has 3 colleagues in total at Redstone Healthcare. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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