Kelvin Doyle

Owner / Web Designer at OTC Web Design + Co-founder / Co-owner of Girdwood.com
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LinkedIn: Kelvin Doyle
Location: Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Current employer: OTC Web Design
Current title:
Business Owner / Web Designer & Developer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:42 AM
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Kelvin Doyle is from Anchorage, Alaska, United States. Kelvin works in the following industries: "Online Audio and Video Media". Kelvin is currently Business Owner / Web Designer & Developer at OTC Web Design, located in Girdwood, Alaska. In Kelvin's previous role as a Web Designer & Web Developer at Self Employed, Kelvin worked in Girdwood, Alaska until Jan 2003.

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Kelvin Doyle's current jobs
Company: OTC Web Design
Title: Business Owner / Web Designer & Developer
Period: Jan 2003 - Present (22 years)
Location: Girdwood, Alaska

OTC lives in Girdwood, Alaska, but was born on a New Zealand vacation a few years ago when a dog called George inspired the "Off the Chain" ethic. George was a little crazy and needed to be on the leash most of the time. But when conditions were right, he was let off to run free (off the chain) and like all dalmatians he could run for miles and be in perfect bliss. At OTC we would like to think we are Catalysts. To get our clients projects/business off the ground & "OFF THE CHAIN".

Kelvin Doyle's past jobs
Company: Self Employed
Title: Web Designer & Web Developer
Period: Jan 1999 - Jan 2003 (4 years)
Location: Girdwood, Alaska

Jack of all trades. #1 Cat wrangler

Kelvin Doyle's education
Havelock North High School
1989 - 1994
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