Ken Varga

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Email: ****a@real-time-consulting.com
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Current employer: Real Time Consulting LLC
Current title:
CEO, CTO, & Founder
Last updated: 22/04/2024 07:39 AM
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Ken Varga is from Phoenix, Arizona, United States. Ken is currently CEO, CTO, & Founder at Real Time Consulting LLC, located in Phoenix, Arizona, United States.

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Ken Varga's current jobs
Title: CEO, CTO, & Founder
Period: Mar 1997 - Present (27 years, 10 months)
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Ken Varga is the Founder, Owner, and Chief Executive/Technical Officer of Real Time. Ken has more than 30 years of experience in systems/software engineering of real-time embedded systems for avionics, space, defense, medical devices, communication and control applications as well as custom Windows applications. In March 1997, Ken launched Real Time Consulting (RTC). RTC provides full life-cycle design, development and testing of embedded engineering systems, software solutions, validation, certification, client audits, certification on audits and support, program management and consulting services. Prior to forming RTC, he served as a systems/software consultant for several major aerospace, communications and defense companies in the United States. RTC credentials include: Preferred supplier to several Fortune 100 companies, mid-sized, and small aerospace companies Holder of 7 FAA eFAST MOAs Sub to Engility/TASC on SE-2020 Sub to ATAC on SE-2025 Partnered with SAIC to win a NASA grant to put UASs in the NAS Partnered with ATAC for UAS Technical and Engineering Support Sub to four primes on Army Aviation Prime to Navy Seaport-e Ken has assembled a top-notch management team and was instrumental in getting the entire company ISO 9001:2008/AS9100C/9001:2015/AS9100D certified. RTC made the INC 5000 list with Ken improving business processes and driving companywide innovation. In 2012, Ken was elected to a term at Western Maricopa Education Center JTED governing board. West-MEC provides vocational education opportunities to high school students, adults, and veterans. In 2014, he became a board member for the Arizona Academy of the Performing Arts and in 2017, he became an engineer advisory board member for Grand Canyon University. Ken holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Wayne State University, graduating with distinction. He is also a member of ETA KAPPA NU and TAU BETA PI engineering honor societies. http://www.real-time-consulting.com

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